The CSR Network
3Bee's network for sustainability professionals that ensures continuous ESG training

The first network of sustainability professionals
In a rapidly evolving world, sustainability is no longer an option but a necessity. The CSR Network aims to unite professionals committed to this crucial sector.
Sustainability Network
Sustainability Network

The network 'The Oasis of CSR' is dedicated to all corporate representatives dealing with corporate sustainability.
Sustainability Managers
The first network of sustainability professionals
In a rapidly evolving world, sustainability is no longer an option but a necessity. The CSR Network aims to unite professionals committed to this crucial sector.

CSR Manager network
The 3Bee Network represents a unique ecosystem designed to connect, train and update professionals in the field of corporate social responsibility by providing comprehensive and ongoing education on current and future sustainability standards.

12 prerecorded modules
Delve into ESG topics with 12 modules, accessible anywhere. With content curated by industry experts and real case studies, these modules offer practical and in-depth training, allowing professionals to integrate updated knowledge and best practices into their field.

Telegram channel and newsletter
Once you join, you'll participate in the channel, receiving the latest news on sustainability. A constant flow of information and insights directly to your smartphone.

Biodiverse webinars
Access a new webinar with industry experts every month. A unique opportunity to stay updated, network, and receive training.

Physical events
Participate in two physical events per year to meet partners, share experiences, and establish meaningful connections with professionals and enthusiasts in the field, as well as collaborate on innovative projects and define new sustainability strategies.
Companies within the CSR oasis
Find out which companies are already members

Why 'The Oasis of CSR'
ESG objectives are crucial standards for companies in environmental, social, and governance areas, essential for a sustainable and responsible future.
The number of employees for which a company is obliged to prepare a sustainability report
The percentage of institutional investors considering ESG factors in investment decision-making processes
1 in 2
Italians willing to spend more on products that have a genuinely lower environmental impact
Develop your CSR objectives

Constant updating
Participants can receive continuous updates on key corporate sustainability issues, including recent developments in European regulations. To ensure a constant and diverse flow of information, we offer a dedicated monthly newsletter, an exclusive and interactive Telegram channel, as well as engaging webinars and valuable networking opportunities
Develop your CSR objectives

CSR Training
Twelve training modules: starting from scientific themes to deepening regulatory implications regarding CSR. Suitable for both experts seeking in-depth knowledge and those new to the sector. The participation of 23 speakers from the business, academic, and corporate world further enriches the journey with case studies, theory, and valuable advice.
Develop your CSR objectives

Networking and Collaboration
The CSR training course offers the opportunity to access a community of CSR managers to engage and share ideas. During interactive webinars and networking events, participants can interact with experts and share knowledge and experiences in the field of corporate sustainability.
Sustainable webinar calendar

Dec 23
Webinar from the Oasis | CSRD, ESRS standards, and Sustainability Report
12:00 PM
In this webinar, we examine the new CSRD and particularly the ESRS standards from EFRAG, the new European standards. With Prof. Andrea Lionzo from the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, we will discuss the integration of these standards into corporate Sustainability Reports to improve transparency and ESG performance reporting.

Jan 24
Guide to LCA methodology, from theory to practice
12:00 PM
In this webinar, we will learn how to use the LCA methodology to measure a company's environmental impact. Together with Fabio Iraldo, professor of Management at the SantāAnna School of Advanced Studies in Pisa, we will explore this tool and its possible applications. Later, Federica Naso, Head of Innovation at Cosmosol, will guide us through the operational details of its implementation.

Feb 24
Labels and Green Claims: implications for companies of the new anti-greenwashing directive
12:00 PM
In this meeting, we will understand how to classify different environmental labels and how companies can use them to communicate their environmental commitment. We will delve into the new European Green Claims directive aimed at reducing the risk of greenwashing. During the webinar, Roberta Iovino, a researcher at the Management Institute of SantāAnna School of Advanced Studies, will help us understand the implications of the new anti-greenwashing directive for companies.

Mar 24
Reporting on biodiversity with GRI101 and ESRS4
12:00 PM
In this webinar, we will understand the close impact and dependency relationships that exist between companies and biodiversity. Together with Giacomo Pigatto, a researcher at the SantāAnna School of Advanced Studies, we will analyze two different sustainability reporting standards issued by GRI and EFRAG. Specifically, we will look at the recent GRI 101: Biodiversity 2024 standard and the ESRS E4 standard to understand their differences and how companies can use them to monitor and reduce their impacts on biodiversity.

Apr 24
What does double materiality consist of?
12:00 PM
In this webinar, we will look at materiality analysis as a fundamental tool for identifying relevant issues for companies. We will explore the concept of double materiality introduced by the new CSRD and what it will require from companies.

Jun 24
How to involve stakeholders in preparing the Sustainability Report
12:00 PM
During this webinar, together with Nora Annesi, assistant professor at the Management Institute of SantāAnna School of Advanced Studies, we will explore the process of involving stakeholders in preparing the Sustainability Report, both in the preliminary phase of defining the materiality matrix and in the final phase of communication.

Sep 24
CSRD in Italy: the new role of the Sustainability Auditor
12:00 PM
In this session, we will talk with Prof. Paola Vola about the recent topic of the adoption of CSRD in Italy, the consequences for Italian companies, and the introduction of the role of the sustainability auditor.

Oct 24
How to measure sustainability performance
12:00 PM
In this session of the Webinars from the Oasis, we will address the topic of performance measurement in the field of sustainability. We will discuss this topic with Prof. Lucrezia Songini, professor at the University of Eastern Piedmont, who will clarify how to measure, verify, and communicate ESG performance.

Nov 24
What does CSDDD consist of?
12:00 PM
In this session, we will discuss the new directive focusing on the supply chain of large companies with Dr. Rossana Pennazio, a researcher at the University of Eastern Piedmont. What obligations will the directive impose on companies? How will it also involve small and medium-sized enterprises along the value chain?
ESG objectives are crucial standards for companies in environmental, social, and governance areas, essential for a sustainable and responsible future.
Keynote speaker in the field of sustainability

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A new way to train and stay updated on sustainability
To join 3Bee's CSR network, fill out the application form and our team will contact you, providing all the information you need to join our network of companies and professionals committed to corporate social responsibility and sustainability.