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Protect wild pollinators and create an educational path on biodiversity in your facility.

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Why 3Bee?

3Bee's goal is to support businesses in their sustainability journeys, serving as a technological ally to assist your commitment to biodiversity by offering specialized solutions and expertise to assess and improve environmental impact.

The six pillars of 3Bee


The Danger

Pollinators are in danger and continue to decline due to various anthropogenic factors: loss of biodiversity, climate change, soil loss. Choose to protect wild bees, known as osmia or mason bees, with their Polly houses.



Let's create new habitats for pollinators together and enhance the conservation of local biodiversity.
Let's build a more sustainable and biodiverse future.

Choose the Right Plan for You

Flexible options for every need: from making small positive changes to making significant impacts on biodiversity.

The Journey

3Bee offers you the opportunity to regenerate biodiversity by creating an educational sustainability and biodiversity trail within terraces, gardens, or balconies at your facility. Engage and educate your visitors through pollinators in bug hotels installed along the path. Near each house, they will find informational materials for adults and children. Become a bee-friendly and biodiversity-friendly facility.

Biodiversity Adventure

Educational Trail

To guide you in the discovery of the world of pollinators, we have created a 5-step trail with educational signs developed by environmental engineers, agronomists, and educators.

Pollinators are considered ecosystem bioindicators, meaning sentinels of the environment's health.

3Bee has created a technological Polly equipped with an air quality monitoring system to assist companies in their environmental bio-monitoring activities.

Users of the Oasis 4.0 can access pollinators via an APP, allowing them to study bees and follow them at any time.<b>


Impact on Your Brand

Develop your ESG project with 3Bee, and together we will build the largest network of Biodiversity Oases in Europe! Are you ready to make a difference?

Biodiversity in the Virtual Oasis

Your projects under control and geolocated on a landing page.
Through IoT technology, project-related data flows into your virtual oasis accessible to Collaborators, Users, Customers, and Stakeholders (all corporate IT systems via APIs).


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Contact us and let's start together to change the world and make it more biodiverse.

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Biodiversity Oases are urban and agroforestry habitats created by 3Bee to promote biodiversity conservation and protection.